Well, needless to say.. I certainly have a past.
Many seem to best remember me from "All Saints Church" in Etna PA; where I cantered for nearly 100 years; others may remember me from my "DAN-E" days when I viewed myself as a "pop-sensation" throughout our tri-state area ... and some may even recall my appearance on CBS' Star Search 2001. When people ask where did you go to school, I simply respond with, The best school in the world, the School of "LIFE."After being the on-air spokesperson for the WB22, and living in Los Angeles for six years, I began to realize that $8.10/hr doing extra work wasn't going to take me very far. It was time to make a change.I received my Cosmetology liscense in the state of Pennsylvania at the age of 26. Upon moving back to Pennsylvania, I realized, Pittsburgh wasn't the same town that I had left. Pittsburgh was on the rise.My inspiration of Studio Raw was to truthfully create what many fail at, "Atmosphere & Experience". Today,a business owner must give "More than people expect," and continuously keep re-creating the wheel, and not become stagnant. It thrills me to meet the hundreds of Creative, Evolved, Loving and Caring individuals that pass through our doors every day. When you do what you love... Your work is a gift.I invite you to EXPERIENCE Studio Raw.XO!Dan Burda
"It is important for me to consult with my client each time I perform a hair service to achieve the perfect look. I like to think outside the box, to ensure a cutting edge style that is sure to be a part of what it UP AND COMING. I recommend capturing 2 photos to bring with you, this shows me your comfort level of change. We will then collaborate to achieve a winning look."